Thursday, September 17, 2015

Its Only Keepers, the People

Well, this is embarrassing.

That said, I am thankful to Max Adams, a senior at Carmel High School and a karate student of mine, for greeting me tonight with a hearty "Happy Constitution Day." I felt so embarrassed as a teacher that I had completely forgotten that today was Constitution Day. It's something I've always at least mentioned in the past. During my best years, I've done some real true lessons on it on this day, and on the worst, I had only had it written on the board and talked about it briefly.

This year, though, I went through this day almost all the way through without even a trace of this day entering into my mind. Luckily, Max asked me if I wanted a Constitution. I said, "Yes," thinking it was part of a joke he was telling me. He's like that. But then I was taken aback when he pulled this booklet containing the entire Constitution of the United States and handed it to me. He had a whole bundle of them in his equipment bag.

Don't worry, though. We will do a whole unit on the Constitution this year, and I think I may join a colleague in doing it in the fall instead of the spring.

I hope everyone has had a very good Constitution Day.

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