Tuesday, May 17, 2011

All Points Bulletin

First things first, Ian lost his North Face jacket on the playground! It was left outside at recess, and I told him that I would put out an all points bulletin for it. If you've seen it, or if it ended up in the wrong cubby, or if you think you grabbed the wrong one, please bring it back to school!

I received very nice compliments from my substitute this morning. She said that this was one of her favorite 5th grade classes ever. I told her that they were some pretty great kids.

Homework tonight is Math boxes on page 378 and 2-24, just the even problems on the fair-game review sheet. Also, their 3x each is due tomorrow.


Kate said...

She was a nice substitute.

Rachel said...

Hey mr. c I was wondering when we may have the pizza party and yea Kate she is a nice sub

Jeff said...

Let's say Pizza Party: Thursday.