Wednesday, January 18, 2017

How To Go On Forever

Hey, everyone.

I won't be there tomorrow. I have just finished my sub plans and sent them in. I will be dealing with a personal situation (don't get the wrong idea--just a car issue that could only take place during school hours) tomorrow.

One thing I did want to talk about was that we have been working on our memoirs in class. Mrs. Dunlap, who is co-teaching this unit along with me, had this to say in an email today:

I seriously LOVED Writing Workshop with your class today!  I thought they did so well—not only coming up with topics for memoirs, but also utilizing their time efficiently to get as much as they could down on paper. 

This is so true. They really did work hard. She won't be there tomorrow either, but I will be back on Friday and into next week while she is in New York. I heard some really great stuff. In fact, just listening to the parts she taught made me start brainstorming my own ideas. I could write four, five, or six of these easily. Of course, I have a few more years on the kids. But I wanted to say that this is shaping up to be one really cool writing unit.

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