Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Maladies and Mobius and Mayhem!

Today we explored madness and the powers of the human mind, but before that, we witnessed a Western tale from the turn of the century.

Listening to the kids recite the radio dramas has been so fun. We've also had murder mysteries, futuristic sci-fi, and the terrors of a man who just keeps shrinking away from the rest of the world. Hearing them read those old scripts from the 1940's has been a real classic trip down a memory lane in which I have never actually lived.

In Health, we also learned about infectious diseases and how our body expels them.

Then, during Math class, we created Mobius strips--a.k.a. the one-sided shape! Hopefully, if your child is in my math class, they dazzled you with their mathemagical skills.

Don't forget, tomorrow is BLUE day for 5-1 because tomorrow is Track and Field Day!

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