Sunday, November 1, 2015

Staying Cool In the Firestorm

If I sound like a broken record, I apologize, but we are going to have a really busy week this week. There is no big musical on Thursday, but tomorrow we will really have to begin practicing up for the Veteran's Day Program, which is on the morning of Wednesday, November 11. Whether your child is doing a speaking part or holding a flag, everyone in 5-1 will be involved in honoring our U.S. veterans that day.

Tomorrow, we are also beginning our BizTown curriculum. I always forget how much time this takes, so we are getting an early-ish start this year. Look for some homework to start coming home on that this week. The kids should receive intent to run forms which are due on Thursday, and speeches must be ready to go for Friday. There is some important news for anyone who is running for either mayor or deejay two paragraphs from now.

Next up, Mrs. Shearman spoke with the fifth graders the other day about running for Student Council. If they are planning to run for Student Council, they will have to have a speech written out and ready to be read aloud by this Wednesday.

Here is the most important part of the upcoming perfect storm. Yes, I do realize that the people who want to run for mayor of BizTown and the people who want to run for Student Council have a very large overlap on the Venn diagram. Yes, this does mean that they would have to give two speeches (BizTown in front of the whole fifth grade plus the Challenge students, and Student Council in front of the 5-1 class...). Both are completely optional. Nobody has to do either.

Here's the next part of the perfect storm: I realize that a three-way Venn diagram would also include a large part of the population that would also include people who want to do a part ("a big part, Mr. Carter!") in the Veteran's Day program. This is also optional, and while I do realize that the same people want to do all three, I also know that the people who want to do all three of these things also have the drive to get it done.

However, if your child bites off more than they can chew, feel free to have your child come talk to me if they feel like any one of these things is too much, and we will talk about other options for them.

We are in that time of year right now--but at least it sure is exciting!

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