Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hope You Had a Good Break, Now Get Back to Work!

Before we move on, let me extend a huge thank you to Mrs. Gonzalez, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Spangler, and Mrs. Block for all their help last Wednesday and for putting on our fifth grade fall party. What a nice time it was, and I didn't even have to lift a finger. That's a great supportive group of parents--thank you so much!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with your families, whoever you were with. I know I got a whole lot done this weekend, including getting my tree put up, my outside decorated (just call me Clark Griswold!), and getting some serious lesson plans created. We have no choice but to go full-blown no-holds-barred non-stop until December 16th, so please PLEASE know that I have no choice--if your child is going to miss even one minute between now and then, they will be missing out on some serious learning time. It's not like the old days of, oh say about three years ago; this is 100% ISTEP-plus-driven Carmel Clay curriculum : "we're-a-little-behind-and-we-can't-afford-to-be" time here. Avoid it at all costs, but if your child has to miss anything, understand that they might have a bit of work to make up.

That having been said, though, if your child is sick, please keep him or her at home! Trust me, the last thing we need is for everyone to be out! How's that for a conflicting report?

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