Monday, January 9, 2012

Possibilities and Expectations

Sorry I wasn't able to get a post up earlier today. We had a staff meeting after school today which went right up to me starting tutoring, which led all the way to the end of my night. There was quite a load dropped on your kids today, and you may have heard an earful tonight when they got home about the book report project and the big paper they will have to research and write over the next twelve weeks.

There is more information forthcoming about both of these projects soon. Do not panic yet! One of the kids asked today about due dates. I told them that for right now, I only wanted them to worry about the first due date, which is tomorrow on which they need to have five possible topics to write about for their research paper. (At least five...I told them a horror story today of a real past year's experience...thank goodness it's in the past...) Anyway, that's all they need to worry about for now.

More to come on all fronts. For now, it's bedtime!

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