Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Always We Begin Again

This week we've been doing everything from writing procedurals to learning about Ancient America to reading about convection ovens, convection ovens, and microwave ovens. Any microwave specialists out there? I found out today that I couldn't really explain just how one works, to be honest.

I've been working on my classroom website, amongst other things, while Miss Mellinger has been teaching the class. I think the reason I've been able to get away without having it done is because I have this blog. Nonetheless, it feels good to be getting it done. I went in to edit it and it looks like the last time I touched it, it was about two or three years ago.

Another thing I've been afforded the chance to do is to visit other classrooms and see how they're run. Each time I do that, I come back with new ideas and "Oh, duh!" moments, wondering why I never thought of that before. I've enjoyed visiting Mrs. Stemnock in Math class and fourth grade teachers Mrs. Fadel and Mrs. Graham in Literacy. All of these classes are as different from one another as night and day, but all of them have some great things about them that I can't wait to put into motion in my own classroom.

And lastly tonight, look to the left sidebar to find a new link I put up under "Good Links"--one for a sweet website for practicing your states and capitals, complete with robotic woman voice.

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