Monday, October 23, 2017

Neurons Were Blasting

Today in Science, we learned all about the brain. Well, it's more like we learned that science still has quite a bit to discover about the brain. Our Mystery Science lesson today led the kids through a really cool program that showed students ways to to show how fast their reflexes are (did they try it on you?), a way to slow their own brains down, and tracking the path that their brains has to take in order to do anything with their senses.

They had to try saying the words, and then the colors of the words instead of reading what it said. That doesn't make much sense (and now my brain feels slowed down), but ask the kids. They tried to do it today. It's not easy!

Homework for tonight was to their spelling definitions, their math, and to read for 20 minutes.

We started our book clubs today! I was happy to see that everyone seemed to like their books. They got together today to plan out their page-reading commitments.

Don't forget that tomorrow is JEANS day! (In other words, an awesome day for teachers...)

...these ladies would like for you to sign up for the Ghosts and Goblins run this Saturday! All moolah goes to the Carmel Clay Education Foundation, which goes toward teacher grants for classroom improvements and programming.

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