Wednesday, February 24, 2016

But Tough People Do

In Math today, we started a unit on probability. Here they are doing an activity involving rolling a dice and marking the results. The intention was to show that the more you roll a dice, the more even the outcome, but I'm not sure how well it really sunk in given their results.

This morning the kids did their push-up and sit-up tests in gym. I didn't hear much about the results, but I'm pretty sure their guns looked a little bit bigger when they came back than when they left.

We also divvied up the kids' research report topics. Every year I do this, and everyone seems totally satisfied with their topic (even if it wasn't their first, second, or third), but then every year I will receive emails from parents saying their child came home crying because they didn't get their first choice. So if this is the case with your child, or even if they were just sticking their bottom lips out, let me know and I will work with them. It's not worth tantrums and tears!

Have a great day.

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