Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Long Hard Fall Only Hurts When It's Over

Sorry for the late post tonight. As you may have heard, I left before the end of the day today to get some x-rays on that ankle. Turns out it's not broken, but the tendons were hyper-extended and thus pulled and strained, so I'm supposed keep it elevated and stay off of it for a week. The kids this morning talked about how odd it was that I was sitting at their level while teaching, and that for once, Ms. Mellinger is the "tall teacher".

I was lucky enough today to have Mrs. Raasch come in and help out with our writing once again--she had the kids decorate their writing notebooks. I even had fun cutting out pictures for my own writer's notebook.

Ms. Mellinger went over the study guide for the chapter 1 test in Social Studies today. That test will be on Thursday. Remember that it will be open book, but that we will not be helping them, and they will not be allowed to use their study guide, only their book.

Math Class, you have a test tomorrow. I think you're ready for it. Make sure you have a book to read when you finish, because as you know, not everybody finishes at the same time.

Let me add that your children were extremely helpful to me today. There's nothing like suddenly finding yourself in a "helpless" position (like being in a wheelchair or on crutches) and suddenly having to rely on people to make you realize that you're surrounded by some pretty special people. Thanks for raising those kinds of kids.

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