Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Dog Days Are Over

The kids are going to be working hard this week! I made my lesson plans today for the immediate future (the next couple weeks or so), and as always, in order to get everything in, we're going to be working hard from the get-go for this school year.

Last year, I was really proud that I outlined a plan with the kids early in the fall to get through grammar and punctuation before winter break. This is at the behest of the middle school teachers with whom I am in contact. They have told me that the one thing kids have come unprepared for is things like parts of speech, types of sentences, and basic grammar (commas, capitalization, etc.).

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is geared up for a sweet week ahead. Remember: Tuesday night at 7:30 is Meet the Teacher Night. There I'll be going over my basic policies, my outline for the school year, and talking about things like Camp Tecumseh and little stuff like introducing myself and my student teacher, not necessarily in that order. Can't wait to meet you guys I haven't met yet, and giving the familiar handshake to those I have met. It always seems like that is when the school year has officially begun.

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