Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Landmark Sharks

Today in my Math class, we took a little time to play a game (pictured), but we did a lot of finding averages: means, modes, medians, maximums, minimums, and ranges.

We have also been practicing turning fractions into division problems. We have taken two approaches to this and logged them in our Mathcabulary books, so hopefully it is sinking in.

Tonight's homework is a meaning exercise. The kids should know what this is, but in case they don't, it's either a sentence using each word on their spelling list, or an illustration for each word. They can also mix and match.

We did some review-ish stuff on the seven continents, the five (!) oceans, and we also took a Science quiz today over the eclipses.

Hope to see everyone tomorrow night! Until then...

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