Monday, April 29, 2013


This is my class, outside at recess today. I have to admit it was kind of fun being out there on our own. I love this class. Seriously.

I asked them the other day why everyone stops and looks in the window of my classroom. Why we have so many "stalkers" and "peeping toms". They said, "Because our class is awesome, Mr. Carter."

I had to agree. Every time anyone updates me with how many days we have left, I have the urge to put my hands over my ears and start singing "LA LA LA!"

Today I realized that I'm actually going to relish these days when I have them all to myself under quarantine. And who knows, with the current ISTEP situation, we might just get another one tacked on. I know I've said it before, but this year I hit the jackpot.


Isabella R White said...

aw thanks mr.carter

Jeff said...

I speak only truth.