Tuesday, May 15, 2012

With Dignity

Ladies and gentlemen, may I take this time to thank you for raising children who behave in a way which would make Coach John Wooden proud. Coach Wooden used to tell his players, "At the end of a basketball game, I should not be able to tell by looking at your face whether you won or lost. You should handle yourselves with dignity at all times."

The good coach (and Boilermaker, by the way...) would have been really happy with my class today.

I will post some pictures here later on, but before I left, I wanted to tell you that.


Julie Saam said...

Maria could not stop talking about the day. Thanks for helping to make it a positive experience for all. I love Coach Wooden, great quote. On my office door at work I have a Wooden quote where he says, "Do it right the first time, how you do think you will have time later to do it better."

Jeff said...

My favorite JW quote: "Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights."