Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wisdom in Silence There Is

Our schedule this week has been a little out of place. Because Mr. Vahle's class has testing during our normal Math period, our math frequency has been down. We actually did some Math this morning, and then this afternoon we've had journal/silent reading/and I'm about to read to them out loud.

We're reading The Strange Case of the Origami Yoda, which is as much fun as it sounds. What's interesting to me is that most of the kids' familiarity with Yoda comes from the poster on my door featuring the diminutive sage with his outstretched hand, which reads, "This Room Protected by the Force*", then down below, it reads, "*but sadly, not cleaned up by it." It's funny because when I was a kid, of course everyone knew about Yoda. Then, about ten years ago, the next slew of movies came out, and everyone knew who he was again. Now we're back to a generation who doesn't know him nor his wisdom.

We're 4/6 of the way done with testing, or, more simply, 2/3 done. It's not so bad. Heck, it might even be kind of a bummer going back to our normal daily regimen when this is all over. But in that there is the comfort of familiarity, and this will be our final stretch for the school year.

Time for me to go. An anxious Ethan just brought me The Strange Case of Origami Yoda and asked me if I could read it to the class.

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