Thursday, May 10, 2018

Seek First to Understand

I know it's a little late and it's the end of the day, but I did want to make sure to acknowledge Children's Mental Health Awareness Day.

It's so strange that mental health is just in the infancy of being recognized by the general public. I have to confess that I'm guilty. I used to look at people and think they were weirdos or psychos, and that they must have brains that work like mine does, and why can't they just be normal?

Let's face it. "Normal" isn't a real thing. John Ortberg wrote a book with a title that says it all: Everybody's normal until you get to know them.

We can't expect the kids to understand things the way we do, either. Throw in legitimate psychological stuff, and we have little people who struggle to get through certain days or weeks.

Be good to each other, and especially your--and other people's--kids.

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