Sunday, February 11, 2018

A Visitation of the Plague

I know that so many of you are very concerned that your child not miss any school, and I am truly appreciative of that. As a teacher, attendance is extremely important to your child's learning and keeping up with what we're doing in class.

That said, if your child is sick, please keep them at home. It hasn't been a problem this flu season, but I'm just trying to be proactive before it spreads even more than it has across Woodbrook. I spent this weekend feeling like garbage, and I know that I wouldn't have been in much shape for teaching. I know that your kids wouldn't get much out of being there if they're sick.

This was exactly the same week this happened last year. The flu knows when to attack--like clockwork.

Keep them healthy, and if they are sick, then send them back when they are feeling better.

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