Friday, January 26, 2018

The 100 Club

Today, according to my "every day is a holiday" calendar, it was "Have Fun at Work Day". I think today certainly fit that bill nicely. 

I'll start at the end. My good friend, Sensei Heather Adamson, came in as our guest reader today. Sensei Heather is a sensei at Adamson's Karate Studios, the mother of seventeen-year-old twin girls, and an eighth grader named Caleb. She and I coached karate together for many, many years. She was my teacher. We have all kinds of connections that have come and gone over the past fourteen years. She is also the wife of Shihan, or as I have known him for all those years, the former "Sensei" John. 

Not only did she read a great book to the kids, she fielded questions for awhile and--unexpectedly--got to participate in our intruder drill. I've always told the kids that they are in the safest room in case of an intruder. This afternoon, though, they were in an even safer room than ever. Two senseis protecting the gates. Had it been a real intruder, the kids would have seen a doubly good show.

We all loved having her in today, and we thank her so much for coming in today. I try to bring some of my favorite people in as guest readers each year, and this year, I think I've done a pretty great job. 

Backing up to this morning a bit, during Math, we were witness to a parade of some very tiny little elderly people walking around Woodbrook. 

You see, today was the 100th day of school. The kindergarten classes have a tradition of dressing up as 100-year-old people on this day of the school year. This caught me off guard, although I knew it had to be coming up soon. It's crazy that we've been together for this long!

We also watched the rest of Cars 3 (after starting it way back on December 22), started the second Qwerty Stevens book, took a Math quiz, did an exit slip for Language Arts, and...well, that's enough for one day. 

More information will be coming soon. For now, have a great weekend!

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