Monday, January 25, 2016

Bring In Da Funk

Well, right now your kids are finishing up their NWEA tests in the library. I was just in there, and the kids who are finished already are dutifully (and silently!) assisting Mrs. K with her library duties. I'm happy to have a class that works hard for her and alleviates some of her workload.

This week is actually pretty normal on my end. There are instrument try-outs at Clay this evening and Thursday evening, but other than that, totally routine.

As a part of that routine, we do have a spelling list (with all the trappings that come with it), my Math class will have a big test on Wednesday (study guide coming home today!), and we will be continuing on with our reading of the Roanoke book.

I'll add the spelling list to the sidebar as soon as I'm finished up with this post. It's kind of a funky list this week.

I hope you all have a funky week as well--in the cool kind of funky, that is; not the "stinky" kind of funky.

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