Saturday, June 27, 2015

Here Comes the Story of the Hurricane

Well, I just wrote the other day about a fear of getting political on this board when it came to the racially-fueled killings in South Carolina, and that was before things in the world got even more political. What a couple of weeks we've had! All I can say is that the tumultuous and nation-changing days of the late 1960's have nothing on 2015. Racism, marriage, Confederate flags, and affordable health care--all pretty incendiary topics, aren't they?

So...umm....yeah... Hey, guys! Let's talk about the weather!

With the amount of rain that we've had this past week, and the amount of rain we're supposed to have again starting Monday, I thought it would be fun to revisit a link I shared last summer. It's right here. It's called Blitzortung, which translates from the German to "lightning location". It's a live representation of all of the lightning strikes in the continental United States. It can be addictive to watch, especially during this time of year.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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