Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Strong Beat To Step To

Just a few minutes ago, I finished an online course for coaching as a part of the AAU. It's called Positive Coaching Alliance, and I was so impressed with it. It calls for everything I love--character development along with improving athletes. I think I got more out of this to carry into my classroom than I've had in all of the inservices I've ever had as a teacher. It was also fun to see videos by Phil Jackson, Dusty Baker (former GM for the Reds), and a Purdue professor named Joan Duda.

I heard from one faithful reader who mentioned that I had taken down last night's post. I had written about the South Carolina murders from last week, and I was afraid I had gotten a little too political, which is something I make an effort not to do here. I'll write another one at some point soon, but for now, just know that I'm really glad that none of your kids have been raised up like that guy was. Don't think I'm blaming his parents; he was 21 years old, and responsible for his own actions no matter what his upbringing was. But I'm confident that your kids will be a force in the world that will be for the positive rather than the negative.

Like the Positive Coaching Alliance asserts, we have to reinforce the positive behaviors, and it helps when you're starting off with people who are pretty positive in the first place, thanks to parents like you.

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