Monday, March 16, 2015

Just Another Manic Monday

It was a fully-loaded Monday today. We continued our work with adverbs today, we looked for the important underlying message behind a persuasive story, and we started two new things. We started work with quotation marks, and we read a story from the Junior Great Books series called "Ghost Cat". It will be interesting to see how the kids react in a couple days after another read-through or two of the same story. On Thursday we will hold a semi-Socratic discussion about the story. I always have quite a bit of luck with these stories, so I look forward to that one.

In Social Studies, we began to learn about the Loyalists and the Patriots. The kids pointed out that the Loyalists really wanted to preserve their way of life, and the Patriots wanted change. I had never had anyone notice that before, and to be honest, I hadn't really thought about it that way either. 

We officially welcomed Jake into our class today, and he got to see kind of a heavier day for 5-1. We did manage to get most of the definitions finished for our Spelling homework, though, but the kids still have to read for 20 minutes, and my Math class has a study link (8.10) due tomorrow and the study guide for Friday's exam is due on Thursday. We have not yet done all the lessons that are in that study guide, so if they have to wait until tomorrow or Wednesday to finish it, that should be expected!


Matthew Pletcher said...

Hey Mr. Carter! I keep telling Emily to ask you about Mr. Goldberg but she is to forgetful to even remember the message five seconds after I tell it to her. You should tell your class about him and how un-enthusiastic he was.

(PS Charlie Williams' brother is one of my best friends)
(PSS Do you have an asparagus for your class yet?)
(PSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(PSSSS I'm gonna party like there's no tomorrow, because there is no tomorrow)

Jeff said...

I have forgotten to tell my homeroom about Dr. Goldberg, I know. I think I may have told my math class about him...or was that last year? They all run together!

(PS Yeah, I actually kind of remember that.)
(PSS Yes, we have a picture of the Riddler that has been up since last fall. Sometimes he leaves ciphers.)
(PSSS ????????????)
(PSSSS I still think about that from time to time. Quoted by Luke on 12/20/2012...)