Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Blocked Shots

Hey, everybody--so sorry for the late post tonight, but better late than never.

Just an update on our week so far here. Today in Math, we not only began filling out our Math Boxes for the last half of chapter 8, but we also did a lesson on slope. You may remember learning "rise over run" when you were younger. The Everyday Math lesson for today had me introduce the concept. I went a step further and taught them the y=mx+b thing. They really seemed to understand it pretty well. Even the negative slopes were no match for this crew. I told them that I just wanted to introduce them to this very concept, and that in a year or two, this will be old hat to them.

We've also done work on adverbs this week. I had planned to give a quiz on this tomorrow, but we didn't get a chance to revisit the topic today, so I am going to put that one off until next week. But you might ask your child for an example of an adverb that describes a verb, an adjective, and trickiest yet, another adverb.

We have also been working at quotation marks and how to use them to wrap around only the speaker's words. This seems to be kind of a tricky concept for many students, but we will continue working on it into next week. I have kind of a cool activity that we will do to help learn this.

In Reading, we have been reading about trash, recycling, reusing, and reducing our consumption. Interesting stuff, and we are reading about lots of cool ideas. It's not a bad unit.

Lastly, in Social Studies, we have been talking about the Loyalists and the Patriots, and how it was not always as black and white of a thing as we think of it now. We are doing a fun project (in-class) coming up soon that should put a lighter spin on this topic.

Hope everyone has had a good week so far. Talk soon!

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