Monday, January 5, 2015

It Repeats Itself, They Say

One thing I want to ask your children tonight (or tomorrow) is if they can tell you how some of the colonies got their start. In particular, in our new Social Studies notebooks today, we wrote down how the following places got their start: Virginia (Jamestown), Massachusetts (Plymouth), Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Maryland.

We also reviewed the heinous beginnings of the North Carolina at Roanoke, which we read about last fall. This isn't even to mention the history at Cape Fear, Joara/Cuenca, nor the expeditions of Giovanni da Verrazzanno.

I have a lot of fun teaching this part of history. I hope your kids come home sharing what they've both learned and pieced together with a little prompting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I tried remembering but I got the colonies mixed up with how they started.( but I did remember Rhode Island.)