Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thank You For Being Salt

Yes, I am still awake.

Here are some pictures from our field trip today:

This one is of some of my students (Evan and Reed) volunteering during the programming today on the topic of HIV.

This is Lucas, who was immediately concerned when he saw me take that picture on my phone, because he knew I would put it on the blog, and he wasn't in it.

And then there are these folks. They thought I looked lonely sitting under a tree and eating my lunch, and decided to come over and "invade" (this should translated to "make my day") and join me. Thanks to Kaitlyn, Eva, Qaliya, Katelyn, Catherine, Emma, and Corbin. Thanks, guys! You are all awesome. Even though I was just enjoying a peaceful lunch, it made me happy that you guys all thought that maybe I felt lonely and came running over to join me. It made my peaceful lunch even better--by joining me! You people are the salt of the Earth.

1 comment:

Katelyn C. said...

Thanks Mr.Carter. That was really nice of you to say.