Sunday, October 9, 2011

Like Something That Seeks Its Level

I was remiss on Wednesday for omitting the names of two of our volunteers from that day. Mrs. Niemiec (who actually helped in Mrs. Stemnock's math class) and Mrs. Saam, who worked with a group of students during Literacy. Thank you for all your help, ladies! Your assistance is greatly appreciated. I can't be everywhere at once, and you really save the day. Thanks also to Mrs. Thompson, who once again came in to help on Thursday.

Most of the grades are in the gradebook at this time. The only ones not in there yet (as of this writing) are the students' grades in conduct and work habits. You may notice that last Friday's Spelling test is not in the gradebook as being a part of this quarter. I ended the quarter two days early, and those grades will simply go on the next quarter. They're still being graded on them, but we just got started on the second quarter a couple days early.

One thing I'm going to stress to the kids tomorrow is that tomorrow is a new beginning. No matter how they did during the last quarter (the fact that the grades are so sparse and are all online kind of takes all of the mystery out of Friday afternoon), right now is a new beginning.

I expect a lot out of them, and I don't expect to be disappointed.

Oh, and good news! This week, the spelling list is actually not too bad. It's neither proper nouns nor words referencing...well, reference materials and jargon.

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