Monday, September 14, 2009

Ragged Running

We've got the bug in 5-1! Three in absentia and then one who got sick toward the end of the day. Let's all try our best to stay healthy, push fluids, wash hands, and take your vitamin C!

Today we started reading a fantastic book called Qwerty Stevens Stuck in Time With Benjamin Franklin (whew!). It's by the same guy who wrote The Homework Machine (Mr. Dan Gutman), whose works are fantastic for reading aloud, at least as read by Mr. Carter. As the kids know, I'm a big fan of Ben Franklin and his lofty self-image.

Remember that tomorrow is our Caesar's English quiz over those five words (which we never did review today, so make sure they're doing it at home--I printed off extra sheets for them and had very few takers, so I'm assuming everyone has those at home still.

Friday of course is the big book report project. They also received new spelling lists today (same old same old on that one), and the states and capitals test is Friday as well.

Pup Runners did very well this weekend! Keep it up, kiddos!

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