Friday, September 8, 2017


Happy Birthday to Wyatt!

Wyatt had quite the day at Woodbrook--he was nearly overshadowed today by the Carnival and Grandparents' Day, but I think it's fair to say that he still had a pretty good one.

Wyatt is a hockey player, playing for the Indianapolis Racers travel team. He is also a gymnast, and does backflips on the playground (on the mulch) to prove it.

One of the best things about Mr. Wyatt is that he has such a big heart for the lifeskills students. He is great at working with Liam in particular. He walks the lifeskills students down to the buses every day, and does work in their classroom as well. He just has a very special friendship with them which is neat to see.

I hope you have had a great day so far, Wyatt. You deserve it! And I also hope to see you this evening at the carnival.

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