Sunday, March 30, 2014

Always Knew It

All I'm doing here is passing along a compliment.

Last week, Mrs. Gaw came to me incredibly happy with my class.

It turned out that, the previous fifth grade class with whom she had tried the gallery cake walk, had been a nightmare. One kid took his cupcake and mashed it in his face. One kid asked if they could have another cupcake, and everyone else piled on, saying that it was "cheap" that they only got one.

She didn't want to take another class through the gallery walk.

And then came 5-1.

She said they were all incredibly respectful. She said that one kid asked if he/she could have another cupcake. And then the rest of the class piled on top of them, saying that they should be happy with what they got and that it was really nice of Mrs. Gaw to get cupcakes in the first place.

There is something incredibly gratifying to that story. It was like I overheard my own words coming out of the mouths of my students.

Yep. I got the good class.

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