Monday, November 26, 2012

Thunderbird Rides the Lightning

Holy Toledo, did we ever hit it hard today. Here's the rundown:
  • Math: Review sheet due tomorrow. Twelve problems, no study link.
  • Science: Draw a quick sketch of the moon on page 28 in the Solar System workbook. If it's too cloudy, they can look online here and draw what they see.
  • Social Studies: There is a states and capitals quiz on Friday. We haven't gone over the states yet, but I did send home a study guide tonight.
  • Reading: 20 minutes of reading tonight. Their biography needs to be finished by Wednesday, and two reading groups (Small Steps and Bridge to Terebithia) have reading assignments that are also due Wednesday. I told them that some of them may need to read more than 20 minutes one or both of those nights. 
  • Spelling: Definitions are due tomorrow. Easy words; they can use their own words for the descriptions.
  • Language Arts: Helping verbs sheet is due tomorrow. This should be easy.
Today we didn't even get to the Study Link for Math, nor anything for Biztown. That's what we'll be trying to catch up to tomorrow, in addition to all the other stuff that's planned.

Tomorrow the kids do need to have a speech written if they are trying out for Student Council. This is a spill-over from last week. Sorry, we're also trying to get caught up from illness week last week also.

Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving. Now it's full steam ahead until our next break. Let me know if you have any questions.

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