Thursday, April 26, 2012

For Real True and Story True

Today in 5-1, we: discussed a poem called Soda Crackers (I was highly impressed with their feedback); had the kids synthesize movie reviews; summarized a murder mystery; drew connections between spiders and people, parrots and toast, peanut butter and a lamp, and finally fireflies and a campfire; read a book about a downed tree which turned into a spaceship (sort of); and for Math, we learned about linear equations. This is some pretty big stuff for fifth graders.

The kids have a writing assignment due tomorrow. Green reading books are in their backpacks unless they did the assignment last night. Spelling test and Theme Test 14 are happening tomorrow as well. Typical Friday at Woodbrook--one of the last "typical Fridays" of the year, because next week is ISTEP for one thing. Crazy as we roll toward the end. Let me know if you have any questions.

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