Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Wild Blue Yonder

Well, guys, I got my class list yesterday, which means that you guys are officially no longer members of my class. Which also means that you guys are now lifetime members class. Anyway, I have thirty kids this next year! That's going to be quite a switch from seventeen, huh?

My classroom is moved back to its old place, way down in the fifth grade pod. I've had some very helpful people come in and help me move it down. However, I'm thinking of having some of you guys come in and help me put my room back together next week sometime. How does that sound? If that works for you, please leave me a comment here or send me an e-mail.

Oh, and just as I wish you luck next year as sixth graders (or fifth graders, for some of you), wish me luck this year also. It's going to be hard--yet good--switching to the "regular" (how I hate that word!) fifth grade.

Barton is alive and well with brand new rocks and a new "cave" that he can fit under and jump off of. He likes it a lot better, but he misses you guys.

And sorry for the lack of posts this summer. I haven't been as good about it as I'd like to have been on this board. I'll post more about my summer later. In the meantime, why not leave a message or two about your summer?


Eric said...

I'm sure Ryan would love to help, and so would I!

Emma said...

Sniffle. Everything's changing! But I like being considered a lifetime member of your class.

By the way, I know my mom pretty much volunteered me the other day, but (to hear it from me) yes, I would love to help.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Your mom is exactly where I got the idea, Emma. Thanks for volunteering, guys. I'll give you a day later today or tonight.

Mr. C

Anonymous said...

when can I come and help. I'd love to help a great teacher(and sensei).not on the evaluation day please.Last thing to say. We'll have to stop by on middle school half days. Well. See you at the dojo sensei carter!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to help!! I just need a date. I really hope I can make it!!!

My summer's been pretty good. The biggest highlight was camping, and that went over pretty well. We are going to visit relatives this weekend, so it will be nice to see them. After that, it's registration and then school. The end of the summer has really crept up on me this year.

(and for those of you who don't know, I am getting my bottom set of braces Monday)

Anonymous said...

Can Kyle (my brother, who will be in your grade this year)come and help too?

Anonymous said...

Okay, guys, I'll try to find a date that will work and I'll post it later today when I get home.

Thanks for the volunteeringness!

(I know that's not a word.)

Mr. C