Thursday, August 23, 2007

An ok Thursday

To start of our day we all read silently. Then we did the pledge. After that we read a little bit of whales on stilts, and sang happy birthday to Mrs. Pitzle and and we will rock you.

Then came Art. After Art we did some Social Studies, we talked about Americans who hunted wooly mammoths. Then we switched classes, we did science. The worst part of the day was that we could not go out to recess because it was too hot!

And as I am typing this we are testing and drawing. And that pretty much tells you what all we did today. Well gotta go we are getting ready to leave.

By Matt

Addendum by Mr. Carter: Today's homework is that the kids have to do page 57 in the Social Studies book, #2-4. Also remember tomorrow's Spelling test and Latin roots quiz!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i loved it.

benjamin oliver kruger