Monday, July 31, 2017

The Crickets Are Getting Louder

Here in the last few minutes of July, I find myself thinking about everything that will happen by the end of the next 31 days. My former students starting at Clay. The beginning of high school football season. The former students who are going off to college to start their lives as adults.

I live in Noblesville, and here, the kids are starting school tomorrow. I've seen friends on Facebook whose kids have started already. It used to be that Carmel was the first to start, but now we are actually among the last, and I'm not complaining about that.

August is both the longest and the shortest month for me. Earlier this summer, I was telling someone that throughout my years, between public school, college, working at camp, grad school, and then teaching, I have never ever known a life where August is not a new beginning. I've said before, it's like we're fiscal or something.

However you'll be spending your August, dear reader, I hope your next trip around the sun will make your world (and the world of the people you know) a better place. 

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