Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Get In the Moment

Today we discussed some more ideas that kids could do for their demonstration speeches next week. I showed the kids some ideas on PBS kids (just YouTube "diy kids pbs" for a bunch of them), because not everyone was having such an easy time with the ideas. I told them that if they need help getting any of the materials, chances are I have them in this classroom somewhere. Don't be afraid to ask!

We also spent substantial time writing this morning, working on the kids' personal narratives. I'm trying to get them to make their stories "in the moment", present tense, as if it's happening to them as we read the story. We also talked about using sensory descriptions, telling how things felt, smelled, sounded. Ask your child tonight what they're writing about, and have them tell you what they are doing to put those ideas into their narratives.

That's all for now. Hope you all have a great rest of your day. Kids are coming in from recess--time to get them down to lunch.

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