Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You Don't Tug on Superman's Cape

I have a meeting right after school, so I'm trying to sneak in a post here during lunch. This week, we're going to be looking back at our Daily 5 program, and practicing some of those ideas in class. Today's was "read to self". They got their time in today, and they showed me that they are able to read for twenty minutes without having to get up to go to the bathroom every five minutes.

For Math, I am planning on having a test next Tuesday. That gives us the rest of this week to finish up the lesson and review heavily.

We will also be having a Caesar's English test this Friday over these stems:
  1. grat, which means pleasing. zB: gratification, gracious, gratify
  2. curr, which means run. zB: current, recur, reoccur
  3. trans, which means across. zB: transfer, transfusion, translate, transform (many more!)
  4. migr, which means wander. zB: migrate, migratory, immigrant
  5. rupt, which means break. zB: abrupt, corrupt, disrupt, rupture, interrupt

Tonight your child brought home a Social Studies take-home test. It is due back tomorrow!

In Science today, we read about atmospheric pressure and gravity. The science book is sadistic toward teachers in the way it talks about gas, by the way. I could barely read those sentences out loud without laughing; I don't know how they expect the kids to. But we did get a possible explanation for Superman's powers with the pressure and gravity, so it can't all be bad.

Good day today! (So far, at least.)

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