Friday, October 30, 2009

Newly Strengthened by Shared Memories

  1. The best part was the way the memories flooded in like a dam burst open any time I stepped into a building and caught the scents again. You know how memory is so closely connected to the sense of smell? Man, nothing does that like camp.
  2. I take that back. The best part of this week for me was the way I got to see the kids and parents in a different element. We're all together in some other place, where you don't have to be silent in the hallway and where the classroom is huge and vast and where you can be hot, cold, and rained on. Yes, that was awesome.
  3. No wait, the best part actually was having so much fun at the campfire last night. Mrs. Shearman can play a frustrated chaperon in a way no one else can.
  4. Actually, the best part was seeing the kids in their individual trail groups learning to work as a team--each person with different talents and strengths adding to the group, and becoming successful in awesome ways.
  5. Okay, I actually can't decide what was the best part. All I know is that this is my favorite part of any school year. I get to show off what I used to do. A dad asked me this morning, "You left a piece of your heart here, didn't you?" And he was right. I can't help it. I love going to camp. And no one can take that away from me. (Or us.)


reileybigfan said...

you are awesome!!!!!!! i am so glad you are my teahcer!

Jeff said...

Thanks, Reiley! I'm glad you're my student! :)