Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Dear Math Man:

I am a bodybuilder, and am always looking for ways to get more jacked. Recently, my wife and I have been looking for ways to become more mathematically pumped. Can you please give us some more multiplying fractions problems? 

Thanks in advance, bro.

K. Greene

Mr. Greene: Ask and ye shall receive! Here are some problems for you. Don't forget to simplify when you can! And the answers are below.

Don't forget, you're going to multiply across the top, then multiply across the bottom. If the top and bottom are both divisible by the same number, that means you can simplify.

By the way, I often hear students (and teachers) refer to this process as "reducing" the fractions, but this isn't really accurate. When you reduce something, you make it smaller. We are just making the numbers simpler. 

Okay, here are the answers. If you didn't get something correct, go back and try to see where you might have gone wrong.

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