Friday, March 8, 2019

Contradictions At Work

Dear Sensei:

Yesterday, you answered a question about multiplying integers. That does seem simple enough, but what about dividing integers? Something tells me this is a far more tricky thing to do. Sorry, but I am out of my element when it comes to math.


Rex Mason

Never rear, Rex! You're going to be happy to hear that this works exactly the same way as multiplying integers. Once again, here are my positive and negative friends to illustrate.

If you divide a positive by a positive, you get a positive.

If you divide a positive and a negative, your answer comes up negative.

Lastly, if you divide a negative and a negative, you get a positive.

So you see, the rules are the exact same as they were with multiplication. If you have two negatives or two positives, your answer will be positive.

But when you mix it up, with one negative and one positive, well, then you're in a heap of trouble. You end up with a negative answer.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and that your positives and negatives all equal out to positives in life over the next few days.

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