Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Learning Targets

Well, today was a better day than yesterday. Not that yesterday was awful, but I could feel the tension rising in the kids yesterday a little bit more than today. I think we can all agree on one thing, though: We are ready for a break!

Math tests went home today, and a few of them have already finished their Whoops Sheets.

We worked on our latest Science project today--a little project called "On Target". Ask your child about it and how they were able to start getting them to work.

We had lessons today on the proper use of quotation marks, we made flashcards for Spelling, we read an article on the Orion rocket, and we are currently being paid a visit from our Scientific friend, Skeleton Steve. In my Math class, we had a lesson on the simplification of algebraic equations, and it went startlingly well.

At least we're not in high school where they are having finals (heck, middle school for that matter...).

Don't forget the six-state states and capitals quiz on Friday!

Hope you are all having a terrific Tuesday.

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