Monday, September 27, 2010

Under the Stars

Today we continued on with Social Studies, Reading, and we started in with astronomy in Science. The kids were anxious to get started on this one, and I'm also really excited about it. I love to teach astronomy. One thing that I really like about teaching astronomy at this time of year is that it's set to culminate with our trip to Camp Tecumseh--one month from now, by the way! Camp Tecumseh is the one time we will all be together as a class at night time, so (keep your fingers crossed) we will be able to see the stars and the moon phase and all that astronomical stuff at that time.

I'm going to Camp T this Saturday, and I'm thankful that some of you are too. It should be a great day!

Have a stupendous week, everyone!


GRIFFIN said...

I DO LIKE ASTROMONY ON FRIDAY 29 DAYS TILL TECUMSEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff said...

AaaAAAWWW YEAH, man! I'm pumped too!

(This is where Griffin and Mr. Carter start doing the "Going to Camp Tecumseh Dance".)