Thursday, February 18, 2010

Brand New Day

We have accomplished a lot this morning. We talked through a lot of the Social Studies chapter and the kids seemed to really understand the lesson--they like it better when I just lecture them like a college professor. Go figure. I hope they stay that interested by the time they're in college.

I also had the kids write peer evaluations for the Rube Goldberg project and write quotes up for the quote board outside my room. It's been a pretty even-keeled day.

A few recent bits of business:

Hanna brought in an article yesterday (the day before? sometime recently) about a local girl by the name of Lauren Miller, who is doing a project for Haiti relief through the United Methodist Committee on Relief. She's gathering up supplies to make medical kits. The supplies she will need include combs, finger nail clippers, toothbrushes, Ziploc bags, bath soap, band-aids, hand towels, and bandages appropriate for covering up wounds. If anyone would like to donate any of these supplies, please send them in to the school. We'll get a box started, and Mrs. Houck said she would take the donated supplies to CUMC for us. Here's a link for the cause. I think this would be a really neat 5-1 project through which everyone can help.

In more 5-1 Dojo-related news, Carter G.'s grandpa is volunteering up in Canada right now for the Olympics. It sounds like he's having a really fun time, which we can see through his blog. Carter's mom sent me a link about a week ago and I never got it put up here, but click here to take a peek!

That's all from the now-less-stressful world of 5-1! :)

1 comment:

unique FONT said...

congrats for the new day!
warm greeting o_o