Friday, December 24, 2010

And All Through the House

I hope everyone has had a great break so far! Whether you're headed off to family members' houses today, or just staying warm by chilling out with your family over the next couple days, I hope all your days of break are good ones. Before I head home to my family today, I need to wrap my presents. I just wanted to check in and make sure everyone is getting outside and enjoying the snow once in awhile so that your parents can get a moment's peace. Be good this holiday and add value to your family.

Have a very Merry Christmas, everyone!


Todd Spencer said...

Peace for the parents? Crazy talk! We (or I, at least) go out in the snow with them! :)
Very cool drawings, even cooler that you present them as gifts. In addition to Gary's, I've seen Kate's. I know they both think a lot of their drawing, and of you.
Happy New Year...

Jeff said...

Thanks for the kind words and thoughts, Todd. I loved drawing those pictures--this is the one time of year when I really get to just sit down at my drawing table, put on some of my favorite podcasts, and just hunker down and draw. I even drew pictures for the kids I tutor and a few of the kids to whom I teach karate this year. I used to draw every day--not so much anymore. It's a pure pleasure to draw those pictures for the kids. It makes me very happy that I can present such a thing as a gift to a kid--and it makes it more special and personal as well.