Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brighter Day, Even If It's Cloudy

Aahhhh, now that's more like it! Either everyone was nicer to each other today, or everyone was mean to each very secretly. I don't think it's the last one, either.

Tomorrow I will go over how to do the notecards with the kids to keep track of their information. They are to bring all of their information (which I looked at today) back with them tomorrow to use during class.

I also took a look at their Social Studies study guides for Friday. Most of them look pretty good, but a couple of them need to do some work yet.


Carter McG said...

Hey Mr. Carter, this is Feathers.I just wanted to say, "yo".

Jeff said...

Yo, man, where's your woooool cap?

Anonymous said...

my wooooooooool cap is in my closet