Friday, February 15, 2008


Today the note cards are due for our research project in English. The Presidents Day Program is today. The 2nd is performing and so is the choir. Speaking of that, there will be no school on Monday due to Presidents Day. But there will be an ice skating party for anyone who wants to come. In math we are learning about pemdas. It stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Devision, Addition, and Subtraction. In English we are working on our research project. But today we have Word Study and Science. In Science we are making inventions. To come up with our ideas, we keep a journal with all of our problems in it. Then we try to come up with ideas to solve these problems.We have three new pets in Mr. Carters room. They are fish their names are George, Mr. Carter, and Zach.We had a fish called Drew, but he died. Then we feed him to Barton (the turtle). Right now Mr. Carter is drinking Mountain Dew (Diet).

By Jack and Nick

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