Monday, January 7, 2019

You're Better Than They Are

This story from The Indianapolis Star explains, rightfully so, why we won't ever officially find out what happened to those horrible cheerleaders who posted the hateful video of themselves making fun of a girl who was a member of the Guerin Catholic High School cheerleading...squad? Is that the word? Whatever. All I know is that, while they certainly deserve to receive the worst possible punishment allowed by law, I understand the FERPA laws, and I believe in them.

Guys, as you head back to school, don't forget to not be idiots. And just remember, less than two weeks ago right now, they thought this was hilarious. They are probably sorry now that they were caught, but I would bet that they are far more upset with the people who reacted to it.

You're better than that, people. You're better than they are.

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