Monday, June 21, 2010

Shelter from the Storms

Hey, guys, what's new? Hopefully everyone is staying cool and having some fun this summer so far. Can you believe how fast summer is going by? This is the start of the fourth full week.

I hope everyone was good to their dads yesterday and that you are all adding value to your families over the course of this summer.

I've been tutoring and doing karate so far. Well, that and trying to stay out of the storms.


reileybigfan said...

the storms are bad aren't they! I have been at my grandmas lake for most of it though! are you enjoying your summer? i miss you : (
reiley : )

Jeff said...

I miss you too, Reiley. I wish I could take you all back in for another year.

Sounds like you've had a good summer so far, though!

reileybigfan said...

Were we supposed to pick up the packets in the office??

Jeff said...


I told one person that I would leave one at the front desk for them, but that's it. If you want, I can bring one by for you tomorrow. Have your mom text me your address.

Mr. C