Monday, September 3, 2007

Update From Mr. C's Class '06-'07

My old class has told me several times that they want to still be part of the blog. I'm cool with it. Once a member of Mr. C's class, always a member of Mr. C's class, I say.

Laura writes:

Everything is going great this year. Sure, it’s all new and we’re still digesting it, but great nonetheless. It sounds like you guys are in for a full year form what I’ve heard.

I’ve got some really great teachers this year. I’m on outriders. My first teacher of the day is Mrs. M. She is the team leader and teaches honors humanities. I have her for two periods (but she gives us a break in between, thank goodness. Mr. McG, the other humanities teacher doesn’t give his kids breaks). My next teacher is Mr. El for Science. He’s OK. After Mr. E, I have lunch (at 10:55! I’m going to my second to last period when you guys are finishing up lunch!).

It kind of stinks because out of all the challenge girls, Sheen is the only one not on Outriders. She is on pioneers, but at least some people she knows are on it.

Ok, back to my day.

After lunch I go to seventh grade math with Mrs. K. I’m the only person at my table whose parents didn’t MAKE them do Seventh grade math. Kind of weird.

For sixth period, I go to keyboarding down in the seventh grade wing and do a program kind of like “all the right type”. Pretty easy since I already have that experience.

For seventh period, I have French, and finally band with Mrs. P (who rocks!!).

Truth be told, I’m a little bored. I guess I’m not as challenged this year. Oh well. They’re probably just reviewing for ISTEP (I hope).

I read a really great book. It’s called “A mango shaped space”. It’s about a girl who sees colors when she hears sounds and on letters and numbers. Very good.

Well, that’s it for now.

Keep you updated,


Ooh, that book sounds really cool, Laura. I'm not sure I ever told you guys about this, but I see colors when I hear songs. A kid who used to be in my class (not really much of a kid anymore, but there you go) hears colors when different people talk. Sounds like you guys are mostly having a good year now, eh?

Well, then I heard from Aaron, who reports:

Sorry about not contacting you, we have a lot of homework every night. Clay is o.k. I guess, it's actually smaller than you probably think. I have Mr. K for language arts and s.s., I have Ms. S for math and science, I have Mr. Martin for latin (Wimer and Mitch are in latin with me), I have Mrs. A for keyboarding, and the VERY FUNNY Mr. F. I'm on team Explorers and it only has 2 teachers instead of 4. Mr. K and Ms. S. She is nice, you would like her. She has a fish that is an algae eater and it sticks to the glass on the tank, and will sometimes swim, but almost all day it just sucks on the glass. I have lunch with Wimer, Jake, and a lot of students in your class for last year. The only thing I have with Jake is lunch so I try to sit with him. The lunch is way better than what we had last year. Get this, because last year the students would put gum like every where and the janitors had to spend hours scraping it off, so now we can't have gum. O well, I don't chew it that much anyway. It looks like the 7th and 8th graders got them selves in a STICKY SITUATION, get it, yeah I know, it was good. So far I have straight A's and I have 100.36% in keyboarding, I did a little extra. I will try to e-mail you more often.

Your former student,
Aaron P

Aaron, you crack me up. I'm glad to hear you guys are doing so well. I'm also sorry to know that everyone is all split up now, but that's life. I'm really happy that I got to have the group together that we did last year. You're all good kids. Have a good week, and please keep me updated (but, Aaron, that whole "sticky situation" thing? That's pretty bad, kid. Oh, and I have your picture that you gave me last year on my desk this year.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You never did tell us. I think that would be really neat, but confusing at the same time.