Thursday, February 7, 2019

Having the Answers; Still Failing the Test

Please click here to see the article that ran on CBS WTTV 4.

This story makes me sick, but it's not surprising at all. It's been going on for years. The State Superintendent of Education, Jennifer McCormick, is stepping down because all she was being asked to do was follow the money. She wasn't asked to look at problems with education within the state of Indiana.

For years, the education system has been forced to follow (or in some cases with administrators, followed willingly) the desires of curriculum companies. These are the very curriculum companies that own the news agencies. It's a fact.

It has nothing at all to do with the greater good of the students. Teachers are helpless to do anything about it other than run for office and try to change it from there. And between McCormick and the Glenda Ritz term, you can see how well that turns out. Tony Bennett's lying and cheating a few years ago with the Christel House Academy is an example of the corruption, but a pretty minor one in the grand scheme of things.

And the fact that some members of the administration follow them so eagerly just shows that there is a high probability that they are receiving compensation from said companies. You don't even have to do any more than draw the lines yourself--you don't even have to "follow the money", but it's pretty safe to say that if you did, you would find a whole mess of scandal and dirty money.

Now that is sad. 

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